Friday, 14 January 2011 / 18:58

Kita tinggalkan Tahun 2010 dengan rasa penuh kesyukuran ke hadrat Ilahi kerana kita telah selamat melaksanakan program-program Maktab dengan jayanya.

Walaubagaimanapun kedatangan 2011 ini kita zahirkan dengan harapan dan doa kepada Allah s.a.w agar kita diberikan kekuatan untuk mengharungi cabaran yang lebih besar. Diantara agenda besar 2011 ialah:

i. Meningkatkan kualiti pencapaian mengikut “tarif point” minimum 160 mata bagi 2A dan minimum 200 mata bagi 3A levels.
ii. Perlaksanaan kursus GCE A-level bulan Januari bagi kohot pertama.
iii. Perlaksanaan program mentor-mentee bagi mencapai kegagalan sifar.
iv. Perlaksanaan sistem merit-demerit
v. Pencapaian akademik dan ko-kurikulum yang lebih menyerlah lagi di peringkat sekolah-sekolah menengah/maktab, kebangsaan dan mahupun serantau dan antarabangsa.

Diharapkan warga pendidik Maktab Duli dapat meneruskan komitmen, usaha gigih, keikhlasan dan motivasi demi maktab yang tercinta. Terdapat ruang-ruang yang boleh dibuat penambahbaikan, iaitu:-

i. Merealisasikan visi dan misi Maktab.
ii. Meningkatkan tahap kecintaan kepada Maktab.
iii. Meningkatkan penghayatan kepada nilai-nilai T.R.I.C.E.
iv. Meningkatkan tahap kemahiran dan profesionalisme.

Akhirnya, pihak pentadbir Maktab merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua guru atas jasa dan komitmen yang diberikan disepanjang tahun 2010. Jadikanlah Maktab ini sebagai tempat yang paling seronok untuk bertugas dan tempat untuk memperkembangkan tahap profesonalisme masing-masing di samping sebagai tempat yang memberi rezeki kepada diri dan keluarga.

Pemangku Pengetua

Foreword 2011

It is with such a feeling of delight and gratitude to Allah the Almighty that we leave the year 2010 after having successfully completed our College programme for the year.

Now with the advent of the new year 2011 we express our hopes and raise our doa to Allah s.w.t. that we be bestowed with the necessary strengths to sail through bigger tribulations and challenges during the days ahead. Among our major agenda for 2011 include the following:

i. To increase the quality of our achievements to meet at least a minimum of 160 “tariff points” for 2A and a minimum of 200 tariff points for 3A levels.
ii. To implement the GCE-A level course beginning from January for the first cohort.
iii. To implement the mentor-mentee programme with the objective to achieve a zero failure rate
iv. To implement the merit-demerit system
v. To realise a more discerning performance in both academic and co-curricular activities at all levels: schools/ colleges, national as well as regional and international.

It is my sincere hope that our lecturers and teachers at Maktab Duli will continue with their commitment, hard work, sincerity and motivation for the sake of our beloved College. There are, nevertheless rooms for improvement, such as:

i. The need to understand and work toward realising the College’s vision and mission, and be committed to them
ii. The need to enhance our love and sense of belonging to the College.
iii. The need to understand and internalise the meaning of the T.R.I.C.E. values
iv. The need to enhance and continue to upgrade our skills and level of professionalism.

Last but not least, on behalf of the College management and administration, I wish to thank all lecturers and teachers for their good deeds and endless commitment shown during the whole of 2010. Please make the College as your best and enjoyable place of work where you reap the opportunity to expand your level of professionalism while contributing to the country, besides earning an honourable living for yourself and your family.

Acting Principal

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